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Instructions for Accessing Scholarship Funds Administered by Justice High School Scholarship Fund


If you are a recipient of any scholarship administered by the Justice High School Scholarship Fund, your scholarship funds will be paid directly to the educational institution you attend. In addition to the Justice High School Scholarship Fund scholarships, these awards include the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club awards, the Miss Ozzie Mask Scholarship, the Norene Thomas Scholarship, and the Svendsen Memorial Scholarship. 


Please save your electronic scholarship letter in a safe place. This is the letter you received by email at the time you graduated from Justice High School. You will need this electronic scholarship letter each time you ask your school’s Financial Aid office to contact the JHSSF to pay out your scholarship money.

Your award funds are not paid automatically. To use your award funds, you must follow these steps before or during each semester, after you have registered for that semester:

  1. Submit one copy of your electronic scholarship award letter to your school’s Financial Aid Office.

  2. Ask your Financial Aid Office to send a confirmation letter or other evidence of your enrollment that includes (a) the number of credit hours for which you have registered; and (b) the total semester cost of tuition and fees to:

Treasurer, Justice High School Scholarship Fund
PO Box 4612
Falls Church, Virginia 22044

Your scholarship award(s) have an expiration date, which is noted in your award letter. 

Some colleges request that students handle the contact with the JHSSF on their own. If this is the case for your school, please:

  1. Download a copy of your tuition statement for the current semester and your class schedule. 

  2. Save them as PDF or JPEG files, attach them to an email, and send the email to the JHSSF at

  3. Include in the email your COLLEGE student ID (NOT your Social Security Number) and the full address of the College Cashier’s Office or the Financial Aid Office (or whatever office receives payments).

If you have any questions about your award funds review the video below, if you have any further questions please send an email to

© 2024 by Justice HS Scholarship Fund -  P.O. Box 4612, Falls Church, VA 22044 - email:

Managed by Tony Pangilinan, Class of '88

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